The first Monday of each month, Superintendent of Lafayette Parish Schools, Dr.Pat Cooper visits GMA.
Today the topic of discussion was new hours for the 2013-2014 school year. August 14th is the first day of school.
Lafayette Public Schools:
Elementary starts at 7:55 am dismissal 3:10 pm
Middle starts at 8:35 am dismissal 3:50 pm
High starts at 7:05 am dismissal 2:35 pm
Exceptions to these times are: J.W. James, Truman, and Alice Boucher Elementary. These schools will begin at 8:45 am and be dismissed at 4:00 pm. The Early College Academy begins at 11:00 am and will have dismissal at 5:35 pm.
For more info visit:
Or call LPSS at 337-521-7090